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A carriage designed for self-supporting sliding gates. Used for various gate profiles and semi-closed C-sections. The gate carriages are galvanized and reinforced with yellow CR VI zinc, making them more durable and corrosion-resistant. The galvanic layer is approximately 8-12 um thick.
Advantages of the steady carriage:
Advantages of the polyamide roller with bearings:
Carriage installation:
We install the carriages at the end of the gate in the so-called counterweight. It is assumed that the counterweight length is 1/3 of the clear gate length or in gates longer than 8 m approx. ½ of the clear gate length. The carriage's assembling plate has four elongated holes - so-called beans, where it is attached to the ground using an anchor or threaded rods. The maximum diameter of the bars is M16, and the recommended diameter is M14.
Gate load capacity: 400 kg.
Gate length in clear: 3–5 m.
Assembling plate: TYPE „A” - standard.
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